Sunday 27 March 2011

Questionaires about the auidience

Questionnaires and surveys can be very helpful in locating an audience for your movie. We found that a 'Vue' cinema found from a survey that there was a large Turkish population nearby so they played some recent hits in Turkish cinemas there to entice them in, this is a key example of how surveys and questionnaires like this can really help in bringing in an audience to a cinema. 

We found questionnaires to be helpful due to one we filled out our selves in class, through it someone can gain knowledge of the place i live my age and what i do for a living, my hobbies and also my favourite genre of film which is key to marketing and distribution when knowing if I'm the person they would like to aim a film at for example. This is a method of target audience profiling which allows a distributor to know what people to aim their film at due to my tastes etc. If the film is of the horror genre for example and it's a film about teenagers then it would be best to aim that particular film at horror lovers at a young age for example perhaps 15-24.

Surveys and questionnaires have also been extremely helpful when we wanted information on how we can improve our horror production, and so we gave a list of questions to the class to receive their feedback, what they thought was good and also what they didn't like.

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