Monday 31 January 2011

Horror Movie - Redrafting

Since we received the feedback from the questionnaire we have spent time improving the horror movie opening taking on board the feedback. Although people said to change the title we didn't agree as 'the river's' true purpose would come apparent further on in the film and we didn't want to explain everything at the beginning as its one of the mysteries found in 'the River'.

One of the things we did change however was the ending, when the detective (Josh Spoelstra) was talking to the father of children played by Harry Smith, we cut out the bit where Harry smiled and put in an earlier fade to keep the intensity of the film's current situation and ring true to the horror genre also.

Through re-editing, the title 'The River' did go a bit odd, and didn't 'move' properlyy like we wanted, but we soon corrected this. We also removed the 'ghosting effect' as this failed to work correctly once we exported it. We also made the title's appear slower to make them feel more professional and this also added to the readability.

Overall I think The opening is now improved and when we showed it to the class for a second time this did echo.

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